Metro Home Page
Thank you for your interest in the Metro Bike Locker Program. We have some exciting news to share: The Metro Bike Locker Program is undergoing a major transformation! As part of our commitment to providing you with the best experience, we're upgrading our bike lockers and services. While we work on these exciting changes, please note that rentals and renewals will be temporarily unavailable at select stations during the upgrade process. For more details, check out The Source post.

Fees for renting a bike locker

  1. Initial Security deposit fee $50.00 (refundable upon receipt of key and refund form)
  2. 6 Month Rental Fee $24 (due in advance and not refundable)
  3. Key replacement fee $50.00 ( due to Metro Bike Parking program)
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Security Reporting Process

Metro recommends the Renter to follow these procedures when reporting security tampering or theft

  1. If you are experiencing an immediate threat, please call 911
  1. Contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) and report the incident using one of the options listed below:
    1. Submit an incident form at: Los Angeles County Incident Form
    2. call 323.563.5000
    3. or use Metro’s TransitWatch App
      • Access  the application from google play or app store
      • Search TransitWatch
      • Download TransitWatch
      • Submit Incident
  1. For registered customers, click here to login and submit a notice of the incident or security concern with pictures and that you have filed the report with LASD to ensure the matter is coordinated and addressed. 
  1. Staff will notify you by email that your request is being processed.
  1. If you have questions regarding your matter, you may call 213.922.2660 and a Bicycle Parking Management Agent will assist you.

Metro strives to maintain a safe environment for all riders and customers, whether that is on transit or in a station facility.

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How To Request a Locker

To request a locker you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Select a locker
    • Find a locker
      • Click the Request a Locker button to view the Metro rail system map. 
      • On the map, click on any station to check the availability of bike lockers. 
      • The information for each station will appear in a pop-up window and will include the total number of bike lockers, the number of lockers currently available, and if none are available, the number of waitlisted customers and the number of bike racks.
      • Continue browsing, after viewing station information by clicking the X in the upper right corner of the pop up. 
    • Reserve a locker
      • Click the Reserve button in the pop up window to begin the reservation process. 
      • The selected location and status will appear on the left under the Request a Locker button that now displays a green check mark.
      • Click the Register button. It will appear on the left to “sign in” to an existing account or register as a new user.
    • Waitlist for a locker
      • If no lockers are available, you can request to be waitlisted by clicking the Waitlist button.
      • The selected location and status will appear on the left under the Request a Locker button that now displays a green check mark.
      • Click the Register button. It will appear on the left to “sign in” to an existing account or register as a new user.
  2. Register
      • Current users can sign in by entering the email address and zip code associated with the account and clicking the Sign In button.  The user information will appear on the left below the checked Register button.
      • New users will have to enter the information requested in the New Customer panel. Click the New User button to create an account.  Your user information will appear below the checked Register button on the left. 
      • To complete your locker reservation, a Rental Agreement button appears below the customer information. Go to step 3. 
      • Waitlist Customers will click the Submit the Waitlist Request button that appears below the customer information to initiate the request and an onscreen verification will appear.  A confirmation email is sent to the address associated with the account.
  3. Review and agree to the terms and conditions for renting a locker
    • Click here to view agreement
    • Read it!  You should know the rules, your rights and responsibilities.
    • Accept the terms by clicking button stating: “I agree to Bike Locker Terms and Conditions and would like to request a locker” and print for your records.
    • A payment panel appears on the right side that will allow you to pay by credit card, check, or money order.
  4. Make payment via credit card or check by mail
    • The payment panel will display the locker rental payment options.  You may select either the credit card for instant processing or obtain mailing information to pay by mail with a check or money order.  Credit card payments are preferred and lead to faster processing.
      • Pay by credit card
        • Click the Pay by Credit Card button to take you to the shopping cart page that is secure and easy to use.  Your account information provided at registration will automatically be uploaded to the payment screen; however, you may edit it as necessary to agree with your credit card account information.  After entering your credit card information, click the Your credit information button and you will receive an email notification confirming your payment.
      • Pay by check or money order
        • Print the Bike Locker Rental Agreement you will receive by email and mail it along with your check or money order (please include the rail line and station on the memo line on check/money order) to Metro Bike Parking Program, P.O. Box 740044, Los Angeles, CA 90074-0044
  5. Upon receipt of payment we will send you your locker location and key
    • Credit card payments post quickly and although payments submitted as checks or money orders may take longer to post, the key and location information (rail line, station, locker number) will be mailed within 48 hours of confirmation of payment (weekdays only).
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Renew Existing Locker Rental

Every 6 months your locker rental will need to be renewed

For bike locker renewals you can renew online by clicking below, or use the Bike Locker Renewal Form (Solicitud de Renovación para Casillero de Bicicleta) and mail payment to the address included on the form.

Go to Manage Lockers Rentals
Contact us

Contact Metro Bike Locker customer service

You may reach Metro Bike customer service at (213) 922-2660
or email us at

The hours of operation are 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Monday-Friday

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To find an available locker click on the line then search for the station name and click button to reserve or waitlist. Click Here To View Map

Sign In
  1. Sign In
New Customer
  1. New Customer

Rental Agreement

The fee covers a six-month rental at $24 and a $50 refundable key deposit. You should receive your locker key within ten (10) business days after receipt of payment. Please keep a copy of this agreement between you and Metro.

It is agreed by and between Metro and Renter:

  1. PURPOSE AND DESCRIPTION. The parties have entered into this Rental Agreement with the express understanding and agreement that Metro rents to the person indicated above the use of a locker for storing one bicycle and related items (such as helmet, pump, or lock) only.
  2. RENT AND TERM. Renter shall pay Metro in one installment of $74 ($24 non-refundable rental fee and + $50 refundable key deposit), by sending $74 check or money order along with the signed Rental Agreement to the PO Box address listed above. The terms of this Rental Agreement shall commence upon Metro’s receipt of payment and the signed Rental Agreement from the Renter. The initial term of the agreement shall be 6 months. If a renter decides to terminate this agreement early, Metro will only refund the key deposit upon receipt of the locker key.
  3. a) RENEWAL. Renter may renew the Rental Agreement for additional 6 month terms by paying the $24 rental fee prior to the start of a new term.
    b) METRO’S SECURITY INTEREST. Failure to renew the Rental Agreement and/or to pay $24 rental fee on time (six months from the start of the contract) will result in termination of this Rental Agreement. In the event that Renter or Metro chooses to terminate Agreement, the locker key must be returned to METRO Bike Parking Program, 1 Gateway Plaza, Mail Stop 99-2-3, Los Angeles, CA 90012 in order for Metro to refund the $50 key deposit.
    c) ABANDONMENT OF RENTER’S PROPERTY. Upon termination of contract the renter is responsible for removing the contents of the locker. If Renter fails to remove their property from the locker it will be disposed of in accordance with California law.
  4. USE OF PREMISES AND PROPERTY. Renter shall only use the locker for the purposes of storing one bicycle and related equipment (such as a helmet, pump, or lock) or contract will be terminated. The following activities are not permitted:
    (1) Renter may not use the locker for shelter or any form of locker habitation;
    (2) Renter may not store inside or near lockers any Hazardous Materials (including, but not limited to: packaged foods, flammable materials, explosives, or inherently dangerous material) or any other personal property;
    (3) Renter may not use the locker for storage of boxes, household goods, furniture, or any other use not related to storing a bicycle:
    (4) Renter cannot make any alterations to the locker or damage it in any way;
    (5) Renter may not sublease the locker, or transfer this Rental Agreement to any other person.
  5. LIMITATIONS OF METRO’S LIABILITY. All personal property is stored by Renter at Renter’s sole risk. Insurance is renter’s sole responsibility. Metro, its directors, officers, representatives, agents, and employees shall not be liable for injury of any kind to renter or any loss or damage to bicycle and other property arising out of the renter’s use of a Metro bicycle locker.
  6. RIGHT TO ENTER, INSPECT, CLEAN AND REPAIR PREMISES. As a condition for renting this locker, Renter waives any claim to the right to privacy and expressly consents to allow Metro to open and inspect the locker and the contents thereof at any time without prior notice. Entry and inspection may take place for the following reasons: (1) in an emergency; (2) to determine whether a health or safety hazard exists; (3) to determine whether any term of this Agreement is being violated; (4) to maintain the locker, its door or locking mechanism; (5) to sweep or clean inside the locker.
  7. PRIVACY POLICY. Metro uses personal information for contact purposes only.
  8. TERMINATION AND DEFAULT. Metro may terminate this Rental Agreement without warning if
    (1) Renter is delinquent on payments
    (2) Renter has damaged the locker
    (3) Renter poses a hazard to others
    (4) items other than a bicycle (or helmet, pump, lock) are discovered inside a locker
    (5) Renter is non-responsive to Metro program requests and/or correspondence
    (6) any violation of paragraph 4 above. Metro reserves the right to refuse rental to any applicant or terminate Agreement at any time. Non-compliance with the Rental Agreement can result in immediate termination of contract without warning. Locks will be changed and $50 key deposit will not be returned.
  9. (a) CHANGE OF PHYSICAL ADDRESS OR EMAIL ADDRESS. All contact information must be current. In the event Renter changes their address, email, telephone number, or other contact information, Renter must give Metro notice of such change within ten (10) days of the change.
  10. (b) NOTICES. Notices may be served to the Renter electronically, over telephone, posted inside the locker, or delivered to the mailing address provided.
  11. NO WARRANTIES. Metro hereby disclaims any implied or express warranties, guarantees or representations of the nature, condition, safety or security of the locker and the station surrounding it. Renter hereby acknowledges and agrees that Metro does not represent or guarantee the safety or security of the lockers, of any personal property stored inside, or of the stations themselves.

By Requesting a locker the undersigned has read the Bicycle Locker Agreement and agrees to its terms and conditions.

I agree to Bike Locker Terms and Conditions and would like to request a locker

You have been waitlisted for a locker at:

You should receive an e-mail shortly confirming your submission.
Reserve or Request Another Locker
Login In

You have no lockers either rented or waitlisted

Locker 1
  • Status:
  • Renewal
  • Key Replacement
  • Report an Issue
  • Cancel Rental
  • Pay Initial Deposit/Rental
Locker 2
  • Status:
  • Renewal
  • Key Replacement
  • Report an Issue
  • Cancel Rental
  • Pay Initial Deposit/Rental
If you have an issue with your locker

Please go to manage locker to report any damage or issue

Or you can fill out an issue Form and mail it to the address included on the form.

Go to Manage Lockers Rentals
  1. To complete your transaction
    please select the payment options:

  2. Reserve a locker by credit card:

  3. Pay by check

    Print and complete one of the following forms and submit with payment to Metro Bike Parking Program. Address is located on form
    Bike Locker Rental Agreement
    Contrato de Aquiler para Casillero de Bicicleta
  4. If you do not want to reserve a locker you may cancel your order by clicking below

    Cancel Order
    Reserver or Request Another Locker
Request a replacement key

If you lose or damage your locker key:

Please enter the following:
Paying with credit card
Go to Manage Lockers Rentals

A replacement key will be mailed to you within the next two days.

To Pay by check or money order

Click here to download letter with instructions and payment options for a lost key.

Lost Key/Forfeit Deposit Letter

A replacement key will be mailed to you once payment is received and cleared.
Report an Issue

Please fill in the following:

  • Pictures are recommended to faciliate the resolution of your issue

Report Issue

Customer may call the METRO Bike parking program at (213) 922-2660 or send an email to
Please identify yourself, the issue, location, locker number and a phone number should staff have any questions. Staff will respond in by email of the action taken and timeline for repairs.

Terminate Locker Rental

Please fill in the following:

Cancel Locker Rental

Customer may call the Bike parking program at (213) 922-2660 or send an email to
Please identify yourself, the issue, location, locker number and a phone number should staff have any questions.

Locker Renewal

Every six month you need to renew your locker rental

Please enter the following:
Paying with credit card
Go to Manage Lockers Rentals

Pay by check or money order

Complete, sign, date and submit a Locker Renewal Form (Solicitud De Renovación Para Casillero De Bicicleta) along with payment of $24.00. Payment may be received in the form of check or money order made payable to Metro Bike Parking Program.

Mail form to:

  • P.O. BOX 740044

  • LOS ANGELES, CA 90074-0044